Hyaluronidase 2.3

Stacey Power
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Gain confidence handling dermal filler complications.

Learn how to recognise the complications of dermal fillers and how to react quickly to help resolve any potential problems.

Do you understand the process and protocol of injecting Hylase?

Have you ever injected Hylase before?

Do you know how to recognise the necessity to inject Hylase?

Do you understand how to inject Hylase for botched filler cases?

Learn how to manage unhappy clients and troubleshoot problems with dermal fillers.

This is a 4 hour online module and a 4 hour practical module.

What do I need to take this course?
Course Entry Requirements:
Registered Nurse/Dentist/Doctor on the NZSCM Program.
Proof of current practising certificate.
Proof of current RESUS certificate.
Fluency in the English language.
Must have completed the pre priority course modules.

To get into BEGINNER COURSES you
must have proof of 2 years full time or equivalent experience in post grad medical, surgical general practice, or District Nursing. One year post grad dentistry. Doctors that meet Medical Council requirements for Cosmetic Medicine.

To get into INTERMEDIATE COURSES you must have EITHER Completed our beginner courses, OR be enrolled in a previous course that we recognise - NZSCM pathway as a doctor, or can show proof of beginner training at another institution. Must be able to show proof of having injected a minimum of 30 treatments of botulinum toxins, on filler courses 10 cases of beginner fillers.

To get into our ADVANCED COURSES you must have 2 years full time cosmetic injecting experience

To get into our SPECIALIST COURSES we would need to observe your injecting to ensure you are master injector level.

Disclaimer: It is your responsibility to have a supervision agreement with your Oversight in order to practice this course. It is your responsibility to ensure it is within your scope as a doctor or dentist with Medical Council or Dental Council

Whichever level you are at we would suggest that you should do this course before undertaking any filler injecting.

Will I need to pass an assessment to pass this course?
Will I inject a live model?
Course details
Duration 6-8 hours
Level Intermediate


Ever Young Training educates qualified medical professionals in the theory and applied techniques of cosmetic and aesthetic medicine. Enhance your knowledge, understanding, and practices in aesthetics.