Dianna Morgan (RN)

Dianna Morgan is a Registered Nurse with over 25 years experience as a health care professional.


Dianna has worked in the cosmetic industry for close to 10 years, throughout both New Zealand and Australia. She started her career in Dermatology, and combined skin studies with intense pulsed light and lasers. Dianna then worked with Allergan, the makers of BOTOX and JUVEDERM. This was a great place to learn injecting techniques from some of the best injectors globally, right at the source, and she spent over 6 years with this prestigious company. Training was an important part of her work and Dianna became an advisor for Allergan, training hundreds of Doctors and Nurses in the art of injecting BOTOX® and dermal fillers. Dianna has also been involved with MasterClass training sessions with world renowned Plastic Surgeons, and now she brings her incredible skills and experiences to work with us!