Earlobe Injecting Workshop

Beautiphi Clinic 2C/1 Tika Street, Parnell, Auckland, New Zealand

Education snapshots for CANNZ members. Older people have ears that deflate.  This can make earrings fall out and sit unattractively in the ear, or just look ageing. In younger people who wear big beautiful diamond stud like earrings, these can fall forward. Adding some filler can prop them up.  Come to our education snapshot workshop...


Forehead Nailing

Beautiphi Clinic 2C/1 Tika Street, Parnell, Auckland, New Zealand

Educational Snapshots for CANNZ members.  Lets nail your forehead.  The trickiest part on a face to treat, we analyse how foreheads move and therefore where is best to inject.  All kinds of foreheads.  Bring a client to analyse.  This workshop will not involve injecting only marking up.


Hand Filler

Beautiphi Clinic 2C/1 Tika Street, Parnell, Auckland, New Zealand

Hands are a handy option for your clinic offerings.  You will inject a hand in this workshop and discuss how to sell this treatment.


Joker Smile or Mona Lisa – Corner of the mouth injecting

Beautiphi Clinic 2C/1 Tika Street, Parnell, Auckland, New Zealand

An educational snapshop for CANNZ members. A filler workshop, we drill down to look at the tricky detail of how to make the corner of the mouth turn up....but not too much!! You will inject in this workshop.


PHI Injecting – Don’t shelf yourself

Beautiphi Clinic 2C/1 Tika Street, Parnell, Auckland, New Zealand

An educational snapshot for CANNZ members. Do you leave a shelf look when you do fillers? Does your client look like they have a ledge at their lateral cheek eye junction? Lets have a look at how to beautify this area.  This will lift the cheek and support and frame the eye area.


Nose Tox

Beautiphi Clinic 2C/1 Tika Street, Parnell, Auckland, New Zealand

An educational snapshop for CANNZ members. How to refine the nose tip, thin the nose, and stop downward movements of the nose.  An off label workshop.  You can bring a...
